ADNOC Technical Academy conducts a comprehensive admission process to guarantee the quality of the trainees who join the Academy. Therefore, every application passes through the following stages:
Online Application:
Interested candidates should submit an online application through Registration Portal, to meet the eligibility criteria. Only completed online applications that include all required information and documents will be accepted.
Application Screening:
All completed applications are screened thoroughly against ADNOC Technical Academy's eligibility criteria. Applications that do not match the requirements will be notified of the reasons for not taking their application further.
Tests and Assessments:
Eligible applicants are invited to:
Take Mathematics, Science and English tests.
Attend a face-to-face interview.
Take the medical tests.
Application Evaluation:
The admission committee will evaluate and assess the qualified applications based on the acceptance conditions and the results of the tests taken.
Final Decision:
The admission committee will announce the final decisions on applications before the academic term. Accepted applicants will be contacted with information on further procedures. Rejected applicants will also be notified.